All About the Z’s

Before you get all.. “I thought this was a diet blog” remember.. this is a health blog. And health does not rely on diet alone. Health is a glorious gem, faceted by many thing. Diet, exercise, water, sleep, and many more. And you are the beautiful sparkling jewel that comes from all that effort.

Getting enough sleep is just as important as anything else. Studies have shown that people who are sleep deprived react similarly to people who are drunk. Lack of sleep can make your reaction time slow as molasses, impairs your judgement, you get forgetful… wait, where was I… Oh! And it can definitely put you in a bad mood. “You’re a little snippy today. Wake up on the wrong side of the bed?”

I can’t possibly quote every relevant text from this page, so for more info on drowsy driving, check out some stats from Drowsy Driving.

Here’s a quote off the CDC website regarding this topic:

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that drowsy driving was responsible for 72,000 crashes, 44,000 injuries, and 800 deaths in 2013. However, these numbers are underestimated and up to 6,000 fatal crashes each year may be caused by drowsy drivers.

Compare with this snippet from NHTSA about alcohol:

…drunk-driving crashes claim more than 10,000 lives per year…

That’s kind of a big deal. Sleepy drivers cause over half as many deaths on the road as drunk drivers do, on average. Imagine if we all slept enough at night? All those cranky, sleepy people would not only be more productive, but friendlier, and in a way, smarter. I wonder if this would long-term bring peace to the world? Food for thought.

Now that you see the downfall of a lack of sleep, what are the benefits?

Improved memory. Studies show that a 15-30 minute nap right after learning something new improves the recall long-term. Studies also show that anything you learn in a day is better-remembered when you get a good nights sleep. And it applies to everything from a new sport, school studies affecting your grades, and diet and exercise. If you can learn it, a power nap will help you remember it better!

Live longer, with a better quality of life. Studies show that woman who get less sleep tend to have shorter lives, but anyone who sleeps enough tends to have better quality days, resulting in longer, happier lives.

Overall Health. Research indicates that people who sleep six hours or less tend to have more inflammation, which is linked to heart disease, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, and premature aging.

Extra creativity. Researchers at Harvard University and Boston College found that people tend to strengthen emotional memories during sleep, which they believe spurs on the creative process.

Athletic performance. Studies at Stanford University suggest that athletes who sleep more, become better athletes. Faster, stronger, quicker thinking & better reaction times.

Attention to detail. Studies show that children who get less sleep tend to have the same symptoms as those with ADHD. More sleep for our little ones could mean calmer, easier, happier children. For adults, better attention can help us avoid car accidents, be better parents, be better at our jobs, and frankly it helps us with any skills we may know. From relationships, or cooking, to working on cars, to sailing or golf.. Attention to detail can massively effect any aspect of your life.

Weight-loss. Studies show that people who either diet or exercise, or both, tend to lose more fat when they also get more sleep. Dieters who sleep well also tend to be hungry less often. Apparently, sleep and metabolism are connected. So when you boost your sleep habits, you also boost your metabolism, which positively effts your health goals.

Stress & Depression. Sleep lowers stress. Both high stress, and not enough sleep, can negatively effect your heart and cholesterol. Better sleep also helps curb depression. Things that leads one to become depressed, like anxiety, irritability, our emotions, is lowered by sleeping more.

Healing. When the body is injured, one of the most common things you’re told is to get more bed rest. And it may seem stupid, but it’s true. Your body is fully capable of repairing most injuries, though sometimes with help from a heath care physician. A tiny cut? If you allow the blood to dry over top of the cut, it’ll create a seal. A natural band-aid, protecting the cut from outside infections and bacteria, and allowing even the tiniest of cuts time to heal. When you sleep more, you’re giving your body the time it needs to self-repair, especially if you eat right and exercise. Eating right fuels the body allowing you to heal faster. Exercise strengthens the body to avoid issues in the first place, and fight them off when they’re there.

Getting to Sleep

But I can’t sleep – I just toss and turn all night! This was my excuse for forever. Until I worked on my diet.. One week on keto, I realized I actually wanted to go to sleep anywhere from 2100-2300. So I set two nightly alarms, one for 2200, and one for 2300 every night. When I get to bed, and I’m not sleepy yet, I use a music app for meditation sounds. Usually rain or storm sounds, sometimes something instrumental. Personal preference.

But my brain wont stop thinking about anything, everything, nothing! After my music, I get out a sudoku app. Sudoku is a simple puzzle, and it works for me. It allows me to focus on the puzzle, and only the puzzle. Anything else my brain might throw at me isn’t just put on the back burner, it’s taken off the stove and stored in the fridge, and eventually the stove shuts off and I’m too sleepy to focus on the puzzle anymore.

Cell phone light is horrible before you go to bed! That’s why I have a blue light filter on my phone. Literally turns my phone screen this yellowish-glowy-color. I have it set on a timer so it turns on right at 2300, but I also have the ability to turn it on or off at will. Also, there is a nifty little thing called puzzle books. If you’re not into sudoku, crosswords or word finds may be more your style. (There’s an app for those, too.)

I just don’t wanna! -or- That doesn’t work for me. Try some simple meditation techniques. You can find these all over. From apps, to youtube, to books or dvds to buy or download. (All se fails, go to the library.) Some of these will include music or yoga, some literally only help you control your breathing. There are millions of types of meditation techniques, there is bound to be one that helps you too. It stimulates the right parts in your brain that allow you to sleep.

This excuse, that excuse, any excuse… You are the only one who can hold yourself accountable. If you don’t love yourself enough to eat right, or exercise, or drink more water, or get more sleep… how the hell is anyone else in the world supposed to even like you? I know this sounds harsh. But your body will both reward you, and thank you, for loving yourself more. Put some time and effort into yourself! You can do it! You deserve it!

PS- Don’t you dare tell me it’s too difficult. Just another excuse in a long line of excuses, none of which are valid. JUST DO IT.

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